A few weeks ago, my friend Rita sent me this video on Facebook Messenger.
It was clear she thought this was beyond hilarious and we exchanged messages with laughing emojis. On a whim, I googled “stress pig.” Of course, I found it on the Zon and without a second thought, I purchased it for her. Then I texted her husband that he should expect a package in two days.
Despite a small kerfuffle, it arrived on time, and this is the picture she sent me.
The next morning, I received this.
The following morning, I got this text.
I cannot even begin to describe the joy I felt from finding a way to make my friend this happy. She’s been through a lot in the last two years. I mean a LOT.
This is a friend, really a sister, who has been there for me in every way. Her emotional and financial support, her willingness to listen to my challenges and bear witness to my sadness and grief, and most of all, her ability to make me feel loved and appreciated have anchored me when I feared I would float away.
To have watched her go through what she’s experienced knowing there was nothing I could do to make it better has been hard. So every time I received a text, I felt like the sun had just come out.
The next one said “I slapped him a couple of times across the face yesterday… and I think it must have turned him on! He might be into bondage! I’ve never had so much fun with an inanimate object!” accompanied by this photo.
Over the next couple of days, these were sent.
In fact, Rita grew so fond of him, she decided to name him Hammy Sammich. Until her husband came up with Hammy Slammich!
Every time I spoke with her, the pig was front and center in the conversation. The sand-filled pink squishy swine has brought joy to her in ways I haven’t seen in a long time. Her laughter was all I needed, even on days when I was struggling.
Fast forward a week and this was waiting for me on the package rack of my building.
She bought a set so I could give one to my mom! Now it was time for me to have some fun. Take that you Made-in-China squishbomb even if you are getting toxic chemicals all over my hands!
When I called Rita to ask for permission to tell this story, she shared that she’d bought her daughter a set and when she demonstrated how to hold it by its tiny feet and and slammed it on the table, they collapsed in laughter. Then her daughter, a new mom, asked “Where has this been my whole life?”
Rita also gifted a set to a friend in Utah who sends her videos of the pigs in her car when they’re out for a drive.
And when her friend’s husband gave them a bath and set the pair on the windowsill wrapped in a towel and texted a picture, Rita declared, “Pigs in a blanket!” which spiraled them into fits of laughter.
Who knew one little pig could bring so much joy?
The world is a dumpster fire. As the darkness that has always existed comes to the light, it can be difficult to remember to find joy in stupid silly things. If you think this pig could be your stupid silly thing, you can get one here (I get nothing if you decide to buy one).
If Hammy Slammich isn’t your jam, my wish for you is that you find what is. Life is too short and unpredictable not to find joy in the silliest places.
I haven’t named mine yet, so I’m open if you have any ideas. And trust me when I tell you there is incredible satisfaction to be had from slapping, twisting and slamming this cloven-hoofed porcine.
Have a great weekend!
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